What is a Business Sign and Why Does It Matter?
Let’s face it, writing blogs for a Business Sign Houston TX is not sexy. Just reading that first sentence made me feel like I threw in a commercial. So what is a Business Sign for you? Just as I need to use “Sign Business Houston TX” for the Google SEO algorithm; If I don’t use that keyphrase then Google doesn’t look at my blog. Similarly, your business sign needs to make sure people are looking at your business! If you are still reading this… you must think this is sexy.. You making me blush, stooop it. No just kidding read on, please.. Read!
A business sign is more than your logo or brand or name put up on the exterior wall fo your business. It’s a lot more! So much more! This month I worked with a brand new business owner for signage. This owner wanted to get the sign they “felt” good with. Unfortunately, the signs they went with will most likely make it difficult for them to succeed with foot traffic. And yes, they depend on foot traffic to succeed.

Houston Signs Need to be Informative
Can you identify from the image above what this company is about? If not, you’re not alone. It’s crucial that a business sign quickly and clearly conveys what the business offers. We offered alternatives that would enhance visibility and communication, but the owner stuck with their original design.
Our designer, Kristen, was concerned that the chosen sign wouldn’t drive the foot traffic the business depended on. She suggested options to maximize the sign’s impact, emphasizing clarity and visual appeal.
Kristen’s Plan:
Kristen recognized that this sign may be a challange as a business sign Houston Texas and said. “What I mentioned about the name not making it obvious as to what they do…I’m a little worried about it being tucked off in the corner as it is and people not seeing it. I feel like it should say “Ice Cream” up there…maybe a cone…or they should at the very least slap some graphics on the windows still need to get close enough.”
For reference, here’s where the sign is going:

We stressed the importance of considering alternative designs for better visibility. Kristen created a helpful tool to illustrate the difference:
And here are the alternative designs Kristen developed, which unfortunately were rejected

Let Your Business Sign Shine!
Whether you’re launching a new business or refreshing your brand, a professionally designed business sign can make all the difference. If you’re in Houston, TX, and need expert guidance, our team is ready to help you create a sign that leaves a lasting impression—and drives traffic to your door.
Let’s make your business shine!